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Nicho’s story. Also learn about blood cells and Omya's Macromedia Flash Movie

I want to be a caterpillar when I grow up!  Macromedia Flash Movie

Our beautiful Nadia!

Cancer links

Leukemia facts

Bone marrow facts


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Our Sweet Angel Boy

And Sweet Nadia, Too!

Under construction but please enjoy!

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baby nicho nicho in badie
story time with mommy just relapsed
nicho playing dress-up
nicho and freind anna nicho and mommy playing pool nadia at a very young age making radiation mask (power ranger mask) laying nicho on radiation table for radiation
feeding ducks
at chapman's farm
at camp trillium play
3 in the tub
Holding Papa;s hand
nichos at about 4 months
nadia and papa playing soccer

More to come soon!
