
(Owned by sisters Norina, Rebecca and Veronica, and their parents Aviva and Mark)


A-U-S-S-I-E-S or Australian Shepherds

By 9 year old Rebecca



Good afternoon, Students, Teachers and Judges. I’m going to talk today about Aussies,

  not specifically Ozzie my dog 

but A-U-S-S-I-E-S or Australian Shepherds.



 The colours of Australian Shepherds are tris which are black, white and brown, and blue merles and red merles.

 Females grow to be 18-21in and weigh 35-50lbs. Males can grow 20-23in  and weigh 50-65lbs.

 Australian Shepherds have a water resistant coat and medium length hair

 that you must brush at least once a week. 



Aussies are an exceptionally great companion and are very loyal. 

They are very energetic and athletic. 



Aussies can live 12 years or more. It’s important to find the right vet for your Aussie. 

A vet will help your  Aussie keep their good health give them their vaccinations which keep them

 healthy and protect against disease.



 Dogs love food. Dogs love stuff that we wouldn’t even consider

 eating if we were starving! 



So it is important to feed your dog properly and Australian

 Shepherds are no different from other dogs. Kibble, which is hard crunchy food, is a good

 choice it has all the required vitamins for a balanced diet and help keep their teeth clean.



 Treats are great, but too many will make any doggie fat. These work best as rewards and

 should be considered  on your dogs daily feeding amount. We feed our Ozzie twice a day,

 breakfast and dinner, 1 cup at each meal. He always has a supply of fresh water, too. 


Aussies need accessories like balls, frisbees, rawhides, kongs,...



...leashes, collars and a kennel.



Toys are great for Aussies because if they don’t have a toy to play with they can go crazy.

 Most of these things you can get at pet stores. 



Australian Shepherds need to get a lot of exercise like walks, running and playing games because 

if Aussies don’t get exercise they can get fat and its unhealthy for them. 

Aussies can do tricks like sit,...



...stay, shake, lie down, play dead...



...and more. 




Aussies can have jobs like herding, and are alert and good at guarding.



They are good as guarding dogs because herding instincts make sure that animals don’t get away.



 Australian Shepherds are intelligent dogs.  

They can be reserved and need something to be kept busy.




 They like to have jobs to do even if those jobs are walking, playing, or

getting a treat out from a kong. 



They can be reserved with strangers but not shy. 

Some can be very sociable like my dog Ozzie. 



I Thank you all for listening to my speech and if you ever want to see my dog

 my mother brings him to school usually every day, come by and see him, he’d love it!  


(Ozzie with Rebecca, Norina and Veronica )